Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 of 24 training sessions down, week 2 done.

Well, not done. I still have to find time for cardio on Friday and Saturday which is the part I tend to find myself dreading. I actually look forward to the training sessions. But still, the really measurable part of the week is behind me.

Today's workout was upper body with enough mat work where my head was below my heart that I'm still a little lightheaded and nauseous three hours later.

3 sets 12 each side standing DB rows
3 sets 20 DB chest press followed by 20 DB flies
3 sets 20 caterpillars followed by 20 oblique push-ups

3 sets 20 ? - lay on the ground gripping DB and pull from behind head through to chest
3 sets 20 ? - plank position raising alternating hands

3 sets 20 DB curl-ups

This morning as I dropped Levi off at school I introduced myself to a mom who I had heard is also training with Christina and Mariah. Turns out she is in week 12 and she was headed for her last session. She looked fantastic and was not thrilled that the 12 weeks were over but disappointed that it was coming to an end. I was pleased that I took the time to stop her as it was an encouraging reminder that I can continue to take whatever they throw at us even as it ramps week by week.

After a few months off she plans to start up again in August and invited me to join her as she lives in our neighborhood only a few blocks away. I'm actually thinking about it. First things first though... weeks 3-12.

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