Friday, August 20, 2010

Round Two

I took a short break but I'm back.

Keith demanded everyone take a break for a week before we started back up with another twelve weeks of training. A break from strength training, a break from our diets, a break from really all things associated with the past twelve weeks just to rejuvenate a bit.

I took the break but I took it in pieces. The week we had "off" I had a Rev Fit photo shoot scheduled Thursday afternoon. That meant no break from the diet but I did take the week off from strength training. We were on vacation at the Frio so I did a bit of hiking at Garner State Park and took a morning run around the Pecan Farm but no 6am circuit training.

Then the next week as everyone started back up I headed off for Napa Valley for a quick work trip and used that as my off week with respect to diet. I found I was still pretty careful with what I choose to eat from the breakfast and lunch buffets but it was awfully nice to be able to sit down and enjoy the dinners without focusing on what I should or shouldn't eat. Really the food in the wine country is fairly healthy. I think I had a good deal of fish and lamb all grilled with veggies but I did enjoy those incredible sourdough rolls and several glasses of wine! While I ate as a I pleased I was in the gym each morning before we started doing cardio and getting in a bit of weights.

So really... no true break where I abandoned all exercise and diet but a bit of respite form both and I found that really I had developed some pretty good habits and genuinely missed my routine.

I also took a break from blogging. I set out to chronicle the twelve weeks in an effort to help me push through the difficult bits and maybe to help others who were struggling through the same. I thought I would end the blog with the end of the twelve weeks, goal accomplished. Yet here I am doing another twelve weeks with Rev Fit so what to do with the blog?

The difficult part this time around is I don't have a major goal out there. I don't really have a desire to lose more weight or shift too much my body fat. I don't care if I can run faster, the fact that I run at all anymore amazes me. But I'm doing another twelve weeks because I like being fit, I enjoy the 5am alarm and the workout with my girlfriends, and I want to make sure I maintain a healthy lifestyle as I have two growing boys I'm going to need to chase down in the coming years.

I think that might need to be enough for me. I could establish cross-fit baselines and measure them every few weeks. Not a bad idea but when I thought about it I'm not sure why I care if I can do more push-ups, run a faster mile, or lift a heavier weight 12 weeks from now. I think maybe continuing to improve my BMI is more important to me. Not dropping further weight or body fat but shifting to more lean muscle mass. That probably equates to more training and maybe heavier weights. I'm good with that and it is good for me. It's hard to measure progress on a weekly basis though.

So for now those 5am wake up calls will keep coming but this time through there aren't calories I'm tracking, measurements I'm taking, numbers I'm logging. This time it is just about me and the fact that I enjoy it.

I've decided rather than abandoning the blog I'm going to keep it up for a year. Just a way for me to journal my activity for the next 12 months and see where I am 1 year later and why. Busting your ass for 12 weeks is one thing but did I really develop and can I maintain those healthy habits I had hoped to?

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